2023 Reading Journal Set Up

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This is my fourth year keeping a journal to record my book reviews and reading statistics. Every year, I make a few changes, and this is my 2023 reading journal set up.


Disclosure: this post may containĀ affiliate links. This just means that I make a little money if you buy something through one of my links. It does not cost you any more to purchase an item through my links. It just helps support this blog so I can continue to bring you more content like this. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


Reading Goals

I have two pages to keep track of my reading goals for the whole year. I like to choose 10 goals (some simple & some more challenging), and then I also have a Ten on my TBR challenge. This is basically just 10 books that I’ve had on my physical TBR for a long time that I want to get to this year.

2023 reading goals journal pages

ten on my tbr journal page


Reading Challenges

Every year I like to do a few reading challenges to help me accomplish my goals and for something fun to do.

12 Books by 12 Friends

This is my second year doing this challenge where I have 12 people choose a book for me to read at some point this year.

Unlike last year, I decided to have my friends choose a book from my physical TBR since I’m trying to be better about reading what I already own.

12 Books by 12 Friends Challenge book journal pages


A to Z Challenge

For my alphabet challenge, I write down a book title that starts with that letter of the alphabet. I don’t count the words “a” or “the” at the beginning of titles.

I’ve yet to be able to complete one of these, but here’s to hoping that this will be the year!

A to Z Challenge book journal pages


Romance Tropes Challenge

Last year I did a romance tropes challenge for the first time, and I filled it in so quickly since I only chose 10. This year I decided to double it and do 20 tropes since I read so many romance books.

Romance Tropes Challenge book journal pages


Reading Subscriptions

I have a couple reading subscriptions that I get, so I decided to keep track of them better this year by putting them in my reading journal.

Book of the Month

I am terrible about reading books that I get through Book of the Month, so I am going to write down which books I get each month and highlight them as I read them.

I have also included a backlist section of Book of the Month books from previous years that I still need to read. This is my first year trying to actually do the challenges, so I added that as well. I also want to hit BFF status this year to get more perks, so I added the check boxes.

If you’re interested in getting Book of the Month, you can sign up here.

Book of the Month book journal pages



At the end of 2022, I decided to subscribe to FairyLoot’s adult book-only subscription. I receive a special edition of a fantasy book once a month, and they are super pretty! Since they are kind of expensive, I want to track what books I get to make sure I’m actually reading them.

I also have a cost tracker so that if I end up selling any that I don’t like, I can see how much money I end up spending and making for the entire year.

FairyLoot Tracker book journal pages


Kindle Unlimited

This is my first year trying Kindle Unlimited, and I want to see how many books I’m actually reading from there to see if it’s worth the price.

Kindle Unlimited book journal pages


Reading Trackers

Besides the books that I own, I read books from other places as well. These reading trackers are to help me keep track of what books I’m getting from other places.

Library Checkouts

I need to do a better job of using my local library, so I created a tracker to see how much I actually use it for physical books and from apps like Hoopla and Libby.

Library Checkouts book journal pages


Scribd Tracker

I’ve been using Scribd for a while now, but it does cost money. So similarly to Kindle Unlimited, I want to make sure that I am reading enough to justify the price.

You can get a 2-month free trial of Scribd to see if it’s something you would enjoy. They have tons of popular audiobooks and eBooks.

Scribd Tracker book journal pages


Order Tracker & Book Subscription Costs

I am really bad at keeping track of what books I order online, so I decided to create an order tracker so that I can make sure all my books are actually arriving. I also want to see how much I spend on subscriptions such as Scribd and Kindle Unlimited.

Order Tracker & Subscription Costs book journal pages


Money Spent & Money Earned on Books

In order to afford to buy books, I also have to sell books to offset the costs. These pages help me keep track of my spending and how much I make back on selling books.

I primarily sell books on PangoBooks since it’s such as great place to sell them. If you’re interested in what books I have for sale, you can check out my shop here.

Money Spent & Money Earned book journal pages


Bookish Pages

These are just some other random pages I have in my reading journal.

Upcoming Releases

I’m bad at keeping track of what books are coming out, so I decided to create a calendar of sorts to write down any upcoming releases in those months.

Upcoming Releases book journal pages


Rating Scales

It can be really hard for me to decide what to rate a book, but I try to stick to these ratings as much as possible so that I can be consistent. I also created a spice rating scale so that I can tell others how much explicit sexual content there is in a book.

Rating Systems rating journal pages


Bethany House Fiction VIP Influencer Team

This is my first year joining a publisher influencer program, and I wanted to make sure I do a good job of keeping track of what books I need to read and when they will be published.

Bethany House Fiction sends out books at different times of year. So this is the first round of books that I chose (I could choose up to 6).

Bethany House quarter 1 book journal pages


Reading Journal Supplies

I use a lot of different reading journal supplies to make these pages, but you can check out my favorite supplies in this post.


What kinds of pages do you put in your reading journal?

Comment down below! And feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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