Category: Monthly Wrap-Ups

June 2023 Monthly Reading Wrap-Up

June 2023 Monthly Reading Wrap-Up

June was a great reading month for me. For the first time ever, I created a monthly TBR (a list of all the books I wanted to read) and actually read all but one. The one I didn’t read was a book that I decided that I no longer had an interest in reading, so I’m pretty proud of myself for accomplishing that. I also read so many 5 star books this month and read what I think will be my favorite book of the year (at least it is so far).

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February 2023 Reading Wrap-Up

February 2023 Reading Wrap-Up

February was a pretty good reading month for me, especially considering it was a shorter month and that I didn’t have power at my house for four of the days. I am especially happy that I finished a couple books that I started last year and had never gotten around to finishing.

In this reading wrap-up, I have listed all the books I finished during the month of February but also the books that I didn’t finish.

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